The purpose of this blog...

I recently have read of a movement that has devoted itself to establishing prayers rooms where prayer occurs 24-7. Prayer in these rooms are not limited to words but also can be expressed in creative ways such as painting. I began thinking of how art not only can be an expression but can also serve as a reminder to others. I have collected what I call Prayer Triggers in this blog. It may be something simple like a social justice image or something more abstract like the USS Enterprise (as Christians are we not to boldly go.)

Saturday, October 18, 2008


1 comment:

Adrian Carpenter said...

The crisis in Zimbabwe has escalated to an unimaginable point. We MUST do something to help the victims of this humanitarian travesty.

UNICEF is reporting that almost 1 in 4 children are now AIDS orphans.

The inflation rate is estimated at around 1200 percent.

Unemployment is over 80 percent, forcing citizens to desperate measures such as illegal mining.

Controversial land reform and forced eviction programs have left thousands of people homeless, displaced, or dead.

Food shortages are a growing problem.

Medicine is in short supply, hospitals are in crisis, and now doctors have been on strike for the past two months. Average life expectancy has dropped to a meager 36 years.

Laws restricting humanitarian organizations are keeping much-needed assistance from the people.

President Robert Mugabe was named the world’s 4th worst dictator by Parade Magazine. Political corruption and governmental abuses are rampant.

Economist ranked Zimbabwe as dead last internationally in quality of life.