The purpose of this blog...

I recently have read of a movement that has devoted itself to establishing prayers rooms where prayer occurs 24-7. Prayer in these rooms are not limited to words but also can be expressed in creative ways such as painting. I began thinking of how art not only can be an expression but can also serve as a reminder to others. I have collected what I call Prayer Triggers in this blog. It may be something simple like a social justice image or something more abstract like the USS Enterprise (as Christians are we not to boldly go.)

Monday, August 24, 2009


The Leaky Prayer Room

The Leaky Prayer Room

Published: August 17th, 2009

Today I stood in an old bowling club home of the 24-7 Boiler Room in Guildford, England. A mixed bunch of friends and strangers gathered around praying. One voice lifted above the rest and beckoned Holy Spirit… “Come fill us, so that we would leak everywhere we go…”

By now, most of us realise that something special happens in a Prayer Room drenched in prayer. The presence of God comes in an increased measure and the most amazing things happen. This year a lady traveled to a church in the little Californian town where I live. She had heard that the people there pray against cancer. As she stepped into the church’s prayer room she ‘felt’ the cancer leave her body. The next week the hospital confirmed she was indeed cancer free. Good things happen where the presence of God is and where the people of God pray.

Gathered in the little Prayer Room in Guildford, this reality came home to me again. We are the Prayer Room. We know that God once showed up in tabernacles, temples and burning bushes and we've seen Him meet us in churches and Prayer Rooms. Now we are learning He also shows up in us. And we, my friends, show up everywhere…

My buddy Stratton was with a few friends in Bradford, England. He met a group of teens on the street who, ‘would all just hang out, do drugs and get drunk’. One of the guys asked why the people in Stratton’s group were so happy and where he could get the drugs that do that. “We put one kid in the center and released the Kingdom [of God] over him and he felt electricity all over his body for over an hour.” Stratton Paxton told me. Many expletives later, the kids said they, ‘would never forget what God had done that night.’ Stratton Paxton leaked the Holy Spirit on the streets of Bradford.

Another friend, Christian Bergthold, also had an encounter of the supernatural kind. Outside the store where he works in Redding, California, Christian saw his colleague crying. ‘He told me that his grandma had just been diagnosed with cancer and was not expected to live for very much longer,' explained Christian. 'I said, "We're not going to take that! We're going to pray right now!" The young man’s grandmother was in Stanford Medical Clinic ready to be operated on. About a week later, Christian’s colleague came up to him at work excitement lighting his face. He exclaimed "Christian--you won't believe what happened! The surgeons opened up my grandma's abdomen [where the cancer was located] and they couldn't find any cancer!" Christian Bergthold leaked the Holy Spirit at work.

I love that prayer isn’t about having the right words or formulas; it’s about the power of God to see his Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. ‘For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power’ (1 Cor 4.20). It is a matter of being the temple and hosting a very powerful Holy Spirit. For ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom’ (2 Cor 3.17). Freedom from sickness, poverty, confusion and oppression just ‘is’ where God is. And that place is in you and me. We are walking prayer rooms, walking temples, housing the living God. All we have to do is freely give away what we have. We just need to spring a leak.

Adam was told on a Monday that his colleague was off work because her unborn baby had died. The child was going to be removed on Friday. Adam called and asked if he could visit her and pray. On Thursday night he went to the woman’s home with some friends and prayed for her. By Friday morning at the Hospital, the baby was alive and doing well. Adam leaked the Holy Spirit in a woman’s home.

A couple of weeks ago I was in Southampton, England, practicing how to ‘freely give’. Amidst the rain we hunted for human treasure – people who could use a connection to a loving God. We found Jim sitting on a park bench. Jim had a medical condition that meant his nerves in his right leg caused him immense and constant pain. We prayed for his leg and the pain lessened. We prayed again and the pain went altogether. We asked him to test it out, to do what would usually hurt the most. He stood, he walked, he hopped on his leg. In that moment he was indeed pain free. Jim needed to know God was real, that day he had left his wife and turned back to the bottle after fighting alcoholism. What a privilege to be invited into his world and let him know he was loved and there were miracles still to be had. I'm not sure how Jim is now as I haven't seen him since. I hope his leg is still pain free and that our encounter gave him strength to face the challenges in his path... I know God loves him and I leave Jim in his hands.

When we house a supernatural God, we become naturally supernatural. Prayer rooms with legs, walking miracle machines and covert bringers of the presence of God. Everywhere we go, we bring the creative solution to every problem we come across: a loving and powerful God. His kingdom comes in us, so that His will can be done through us.

And so we pray:
“Come fill us, so that we would leak everywhere we go…!!”

Sarah Bainbridge is a vital part of the Living Generously team. She liaises with Charities, writes articles and develops the team! Sarah has spent time in India working with communities rebuilding their lives after the Tsunami and is currently living in Redding, California, where she attends Bethel ministry school. Her passion for God, life and laughing are infectious!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pray for our president not against him

Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it's God's order. So live responsibly as a citizen. If you're irresponsible to the state, then you're irresponsible with God, and God will hold you responsible. Duly constituted authorities are only a threat if you're trying to get by with something. Decent citizens should have nothing to fear. Do you want to be on good terms with the government? Be a responsible citizen and you'll get on just fine, the government working to your advantage. But if you're breaking the rules right and left, watch out. The police aren't there just to be admired in their uniforms. God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it. That's why you must live responsibly—not just to avoid punishment but also because it's the right way to live. That's also why you pay taxes—so that an orderly way of life can be maintained. Fulfill your obligations as a citizen. Pay your taxes, pay your bills, respect your leaders.
Romans 12:1-7 THE MESSAGE

Is abortion wrong? I am firmly convinced that it is murder. Life begins at conception. But for argument’s sake, I will temporarily concede that life does not begin at conception. Many do feel this way. This difference among others is why abortion is so controversial. Why would I make this concession? The passage above was written to Romans during the most oppressive reign of the Roman government. The New Testament began with every boy age two and younger being killed and ended with the execution of Christians regardless of age. The conception argument was pointless. How could Paul write such words about such a government? How could Jesus pay taxes to such a government?

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12 NLT

Maybe, God really means this. Could this be the reason Roe v. Wade still exists? Have we, as Christians, wasted the last thirty-six years fighting the liberals? Have we made idols out of conservative leaders, asking them for what only God can give?

Does this realization require those of us who disagree with President Obama on certain issues to pray, for him not against him? Was God really serious about Romans 12? If He was, we should act accordingly.